Monday, September 11, 2006

Thinking about writing a september 11th poem, i find it really hard to think of a way to capture the image of the planes hitting the towers. Maybe one will come to me.

I am also reminded of Cate Marvin's book World's Tallest Disaster. It came out before the disaster of September 11th, but that title always makes me think of the towers falling down. That's a really good book. If you don't know who Cate Marvin is, she edited an excellent new anthology of contemporary younger poets called Legitimate Dangers. I would have liked to have been in it, but I don't have a book out yet. I always feel I'm behind the curve on those things anyway. If only I can get my manuscript in front of the right judge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It does not always rain when a pig squeals. Sometimes it hails. Oink.