Sunday, April 22, 2007

Blue Angels jet crashes during air show, killing aviator

The white ninja sleeps on his back.
He appears as lightening from space.
In photographs, he's the moon. In film:
the shadow of a dog or a horse
or a squirrel devouring a gold ring
which you perceive as a nut. He invented
the internet, the skate key, legos,
windshield wipers, the space elevator,
Kevlar, and the roundhouse.
The white ninja sneezes radiation, his blood
is an h-bomb.
The white ninja is a series of tubes
inside of tubes. His brain is an electromagnet
his penis a sonogram
he can see inside of you with it. His eyes are
a mask of bamboo breezing on the hillside
a whisper of wind releasing
the flood of eastern tears. His hands are the
sky holding 10 blue jets. When he throws
one to the ground he is not angry
only worried. The white ninja has no worries
his perspiration is a perfect religion.
The white ninja never sweats.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gil, man...this has to be my favorite. I wish my dick were a sonogram. For real though, not to be a wuss, but you really helped me through a tough week, Gil. Thanks. This is what art is supposed to do for people.